This is a Grade 1 listed church designed by the lesser known victorian architect James Brooks and completed by his partner, WS Atkins. We  completed a roof and stone repair project in 2015. In 2018 the we carried out the Narthex project including repairing  the westmorland  slated roofs. We also altered the entrance to the church to make the splendor of the interior visible from the street, provide level access, a kitchen and new lavatories. These were carried out by M S Lock and Sons.

A small fire caused smoke damage and damage to the reredos in 2017. This required the entire church to be cleaned and the reredos repaired and conserved. The opportunity was also taken to clean the flying angels that decorate the nave.

These major cleaning works were carried out by Polygon with the specialised conservation by Opus Conservation and Humphries and Jones.